Wednesday, November 14, 2007


When I refer to environment, I’m not just talking about the air you breathe and your physical surroundings. I am more concerned with the people around you. their thoughts and actions, can adversely affect you.
I strongly recommend associating only with positive people, or keep to yourself. The only time you should associate with negative people is when you are trying to help them. Your positive thoughts and actions will have a positive effect on them.
Emotions, positive and negative alike, are nearly as contagious as colds and flu. You can catch feelings of elation, euphoria, sadness and more from friends, family, colleagues, even strangers. Mood "infection" happens in milliseconds, says Elaine Hatfield, a psychology professor at the University of Hawaii .
When interacting with a negative person, take extra steps to remain positive. Otherwise, you may be influenced by his or her negativity.

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